Helping Wim Hof improve their 20 day Cold Shower Challenge for existing users.

Helping Wim Hof improve their 20 day Cold Shower Challenge for existing users.

Helping Wim Hof improve their 20 day Cold Shower Challenge for existing users.

The Wim Hof Method is a lifestyle program that promotes holistic wellness through its three pillars: Cold Therapy, Breathing, and Commitment. By incorporating dedicated practices such as breathing techniques and cold exposure, individuals can unlock a range of health benefits. In my role as a product designer, I was responsible for enhancing the 20-day Cold Shower Challenge and driving conversions to the premium subscription service within the Wim Hof mobile application.

The Wim Hof Method is a lifestyle program that promotes holistic wellness through its three pillars: Cold Therapy, Breathing, and Commitment. By incorporating dedicated practices such as breathing techniques and cold exposure, individuals can unlock a range of health benefits. In my role as a product designer, I was responsible for enhancing the 20-day Cold Shower Challenge and driving conversions to the premium subscription service within the Wim Hof mobile application.




User Research

Product Strategy

UI Design

Interaction Design

Usability Testing











5 weeks

The Problem

The Problem

The Problem

Existing users of the Wim Hof application faced challenges navigating the app, particularly in completing the 20-day Cold Shower Challenge. Moreover, the application failed to adequately showcase the Wim Hof Method, further complicating the user experience and ultimately deterring existing users from upgrading to the Premium version.

Original Design of Wim Hof Mobile Application

The Solution

The Solution

The Solution

To address these challenges, I streamlined the navigation process and restructured the app hierarchy, with a focus on highlighting the Wim Hof Method. As part of this project, I also reorganized educational content and eliminated unnecessary pop-ups, resulting in a more efficient and user-friendly experience.

Usability Review

Usability Review

Usability Review

Through a comprehensive usability review of the Wim Hof application, I identified several pain points and moments of delight. It became apparent that there were several additional pain points that made it challenging for existing Wim Hof users to navigate the application.

Business & User frustrations

Business & User frustrations

Business & User frustrations

After conducting a thorough usability review, it became evident that the Wim Hof mobile application failed to effectively promote its paid subscription services to users, while also presenting an overall overwhelming user experience.

Primary Frustration

Primary Frustration

Primary Frustration

The UI layout of the 20 day Cold Shower Challenge was found to be confusing and resulted in users facing difficulties while navigating, leading to incomplete challenges.

Secondary Frustration

Secondary Frustration

Secondary Frustration

The Wim Hof mobile application lacked clear information hierarchy and did not effectively showcase the Wim Hof Method, resulting in difficulty for users to navigate the app and leading to information anxiety. This ultimately caused users to abandon the application, resulting in lost opportunities for paid features provided by Wim Hof.

Competitor Benchmarking

Competitor Benchmarking

Competitor Benchmarking

As part of the competitor benchmarking process, I conducted a comparative analysis of two direct and two indirect competitors to the Wim Hof app.

Direct Competitors: 

  1. Cyro cold shower mobile application offered an easy-to-use interface with a swift onboarding process, and a hot and cold shower timer with audio cues.

  2. The Cold Shower Therapy (CST) mobile application provided quick access to the Cold Shower Challenge, although it limited users to one timer setting.

Indirect Competitors: 

  1. Habitbull mobile application presented appealing visuals and tracked users' habits with a welcoming color scheme.

  2. Productive mobile application provided an effortless tracking system that allowed users to monitor their progress with custom habits.

Problem Space

Problem Space

Problem Space

After conducting a thorough usability review and competitor benchmarking analysis, I identified the primary challenge to be the intricate and cumbersome process of accessing the cold shower feature.

This led to How Might We…

  • Re-create a system that provides an easy 20 day Cold Shower Challenge process?

  • Design a feature to track the 20 day Cold Shower Challenge? 

  • Help the users navigate the app and complete the 20 day Cold Shower Challenge? 




During the ideation stage, I utilized various ideation techniques, including Crazy 8's challenge, mind mapping, and priority matrix to generate and evaluate numerous ideas. These exercises enabled me to rapidly ideate and prioritize the most feasible and effective concepts.

Crazy's 8 & Priority Matrix

Mind Map

What can we add

What can we add

Add an animated timer to provide users with visual cues during the Cold Shower process and integrate a guided voice command feature to assist users with disabilities that may prevent them from completing the challenge independently.

What can we improve

What can we improve

Redesign the landing page hierarchy with an improved user interface and color scheme to enhance user experience. Additionally, update the badge system to promote user satisfaction.

User Flows

User Flows

User Flows

After the ideation stage, I conducted a user flow analysis to evaluate the current flow of the Wim Hof mobile application. The analysis revealed that irrelevant pop-ups were causing delays for users accessing the Cold Shower Challenge. Therefore, I developed a revised user flow that provided users with quicker access to the challenge.

Original User Flow

Revised User Flow

Rapid Prototyping

Rapid Prototyping

Rapid Prototyping

As I progressed through the project, I proceeded to the rapid prototyping phase. During this stage, I utilized wire framing techniques to enhance both the Cold Shower process and the home screen interface.

Styles & Components

Styles & Components

Styles & Components

In selecting the design elements, I leveraged the Stark app to identify an accessible color palette. Additionally, I opted for the modern Inter typeface to convey a contemporary tone. To ensure consistency across pages, I also created components for each page as part of the design system.

Iteration 1: High Fidelity Prototype

Iteration 1: High Fidelity Prototype

Iteration 1: High Fidelity Prototype

After creating a design system and UI components, I proceeded to develop a set of interactions aimed at enhancing the user experience. This led to the first iteration of the Wim Hof Mobile Prototype, which incorporates the aforementioned components.

Usability Testing

Usability Testing

Usability Testing

I utilized Maze as an unmoderated testing tool to gather user feedback on the Wim Hof mobile application. The heat maps revealed that users were successfully navigating to the 20 Day Cold Shower Challenge. Additionally, the users provided positive feedback on the application and suggested ways to further enhance the user experience.

Test outcomes

Test outcomes

Test outcomes

After testing the prototype, it was observed that users preferred a simplified interface while navigating the home page, leading to improved user retention and satisfaction.

Next steps and Final High Fidelity Prototype

Next steps and Final High Fidelity Prototype

Next steps and Final High Fidelity Prototype

Herein presented is the final version of the High Fidelity Prototype, which underwent multiple iterations based on user feedback. The resulting improvements include the following:

  • Uniform sizes of header images.

  • Better spacing and alignment throughout the application

  • Improved accessibility of text in the navbar.

  • Enhancement of Guided Cold Shower overlay.



In conclusion, I have gained valuable insights into the product design process that I believe are worth highlighting. These findings have strengthened my skills as a product designer and have furthered my commitment to delivering thoughtful and effective solutions for users.

  1. Understanding user and business pain points has proven to be instrumental in identifying solutions that effectively address these challenges.

  2. Ensuring consistency in UI components and layouts can greatly enhance accessibility for users, making their experience more enjoyable and efficient. Lastly, user feedback has reinforced the importance of a simplistic interface, which has received positive responses from a significant portion of our user base.

  3. User feedback has reinforced the importance of a simplistic interface, which has received positive responses from a significant portion of our user base.

Priya Bird

Product Designer

Amplify the Human Experience

© Li'l Birdy Designs



Priya Bird

Product Designer

Amplify the Human Experience

© Li'l Birdy Designs

